I went to the library book sale this weekend - 3 bags of books for $18!! - and stopped by the nursery - not so cheap - on my way home. The back of my car was full of books and flowers! Who could ask for more? I wait until the last day of the sale - the fill-a-bag-for-$6 day. No frenzied crowd is snatching up the ones I want - the books written in the '50s and before. There are forgotten treasures out there - uplifting and full of good, honorable characters. Hopefully, I will be adding some of these new, old titles to my "favorite books" list.
Hi Mary, Isn't this blogging fun! I really had no clue where it would take me but it's fun to meet new people! Stillmeadow books are wonderful..I have found several of Glady's books and it's not easy on the Westcoast! Her books are like friends!! :))
We do have similar taste and interests! I have enjoyed looking at your art....I wish I could see it up close!! The piano key painting is really nice!! My painting is coming along..I have much to learn but it's something I want to do for a long time!
How long have you been "doing" art?
I'll add you to my list of blogs!!
Hi Again! I just picked up my granddaughter for the day and overnight! Fun for me!
My art is watercolor and it is so basic...I need to spend more time doing it to get to a place where I could sell it. Of course I do flowers for weddings also and that a kind of art.
Do you have an Etsy shop on-line?
I was just about to comment again to say that I didn't see many paintings, (just the one of the shore with gulls which was very nice) but saw your floral arrangements which are certainly works of art. So beautiful! Isn't it fun to be able to express ourselves in so many different ways. Do you rent your farm as a site for weddings? We have been toying with the idea since our daughter was married at ours, but don't feel quite brave enough to take the leap. Another funny thing - last night I went to Heidi's site from your link and was completely blown away by her work! She is incredible and I've bookmarked her site. I hope to own a piece of her work someday. My favorite was The Homecoming and I was disappointed to see the red dot indicating it was sold. Then, today, as I was looking through your site for your paintings, there it was. YOU bought it. I actually wasn't too surprised - we seem to like the same things. I'll just keep shopping...
And, no, I don't have an etsy shop, though I'm considering it. Just my website.
Hi! I see your on-line art shopping! :)Wonderful....
....it's fun to discover common likes!! You know why I like the butterflies!! Heidi and Bruce are both very talented artists... We belong to CIVA...Christians In Visual Arts. You might like to check it out. Or, maybe you already know about them.
Heidi's work is often shown in their publication because everything she does expresses her faith. I will tell Heidi of your reaction to her work. Yes, I bought the "Homecoming"...it is a large piece and it spoke to me...had to have it!!
I think we could just talk and talk!!
No, we don't rent out the farm. My husband would have to quit working in our business and stay home to do yard work! I have a friend who does use her farm for weddings and pay. Her husband is home. :)
hi mom! I like the new look! it looks just like you.
oh, and that books and flowers picture? love it! sigh...if only i had a camera handy for whenever something so totally cool and spontaneous happens in the back of my car... haha.
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