I don't think anyone has ever sat in this chair but me. So, I guess that makes it mine. It is in a corner of my bedroom and I sit here in the morning with the window open, the curtain pulled back and praise the Lord with the birds, the wind, whatever is raising its voice at the time. On a perfect day, I have a devotional (usually with Oswald Chambers), read my Bible (I'm reading through the Gospels), sing a hymn (or five), memorize a Psalm (just finished Psalm 33) and write in my journal. This is the way I always wanted to start my day, but life just wasn't sympathetic to my plan before. Now I have time to take better care of myself spiritually and physically. Which seems backwards. I wish I had had this peace and strength while my girls were growing up. Looking back, did we just fly through childhood by the seat of our pants? Yes. But God heard our "Help me, help me, help me! Thank You, thank You, thank You!" prayers and we made it. Maybe, somewhere in my heart, I had a chair where I met with Him and that was good enough for a loving Father who understands us better than we do ourselves. Who forgives, forgets and covers it all with His grace. Thank You, thank You, thank You!
Well, during the writing of that first paragraph, all three kids called with a problem or question, Bonnie barked frantically to be let outside, when I went out with her I saw that a cat had thrown up in a chair on the porch, the concrete truck is on its way to pour sidewalks around the house and because of a heavy rain it will ruin the yard, all the animals are in the house to be kept out of the way of the workers, Rocket wants to eat Minnie Mae (the cat in the utility room)...I will sit in the chair in my heart today.
Mom! this is so great. That last paragraph made me laugh! Sorry we're so much trouble without knowing it! :-) I love you. Thanks for being Mom.
Mary, I am so glad you visited my blog today and I found yours - so pretty and inspiring. I feel the way you do about raising my boys - did I take the time to sit and enjoy it and go to my father for guidance everyday? I seem to have more time now to enjoy all the little things and spend wonderful times with our Father. God heard us even in the running of raising our children. Enjoyed the visit!
Mary - What an inspiration. My chair is not as comfortable as yours but I do spend about 15-20 minutes each morning over coffee reading scriptures from the bible
and how peaceful it is. The martins are flying (my dad build me a house) and it is just so relaxing. God is good....Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures -
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