Wednesday, April 30, 2008
rain baby

Monday, April 28, 2008
oreo cows

thank you, lady bird...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
trying to post...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
the gang

Next, but really first, is Maggie. She is definitely head dog at 14 years old. She's a Springer spaniel and as sweet and loyal as a dog can be. Stroking her head is like running your hand over the softest velvet imaginable. She's having a hard time getting around these days; her back legs don't work very well and she can hardly see or hear. She has no duties, just enjoying her twilight years and "mothering" any kitties that come along. Dooley is in this picture with her. Can you tell where one ends and the other begins?

This is Raggs. He appeared in our backyard as a teeny, tiny kitten and was raised by Maggie. He hardly lets us touch him, but he's cute and sweet - and huge. He's a great, big baby and still sleeps with Maggie. We haven't seen him in a while, though, and I fear the worst.
And, Jack. Black Jack is how he started out. Then, he went to live with my future son-in-law and became Black Jack Brown. Now, he's back with us. But, he's still Black Jack Brown because I like it that way. We found him at the lake, too. He was smart enough to endear himself to my husband which guaranteed him a new home. He is one of the most affectionate cats we've ever had. He's big and feels like mink. We love him. Even after the night he spent locked up in my car. Need I say more?
I have to include Rocket. He belongs to my daughter and son-in-law, but is part of the gang while they are in school and living with us, but looking for a little house to buy or rent. He is a Cairn terrier and looks like a little wolf. He is a good, funny boy and we will miss him when he moves.
So, that's the gang. They are so much fun - and so much trouble!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
he loves me...
Okay, I knew it already. But, now, I'm 100%, absolutely, positively, no-doubt-about-it sure...I married the right person. The other day, he walked in, opened up his work-gloved hand and said, "Here's a dead thing for your dead area." Most of the things in the picture were "gifts" he brought me because he knows me. I like collecting things I find outside and have a little place I keep them (I had always thought of it more quaintly as my nature collection, but now it will forever be my dead area because it makes me laugh.) True love...
PS...he also brings me things like this
...just so you don't think he only brings me dead things.
Friday, April 11, 2008
my chair

Well, during the writing of that first paragraph, all three kids called with a problem or question, Bonnie barked frantically to be let outside, when I went out with her I saw that a cat had thrown up in a chair on the porch, the concrete truck is on its way to pour sidewalks around the house and because of a heavy rain it will ruin the yard, all the animals are in the house to be kept out of the way of the workers, Rocket wants to eat Minnie Mae (the cat in the utility room)...I will sit in the chair in my heart today.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
things I saw on my walk

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
my studio

Monday, April 7, 2008
tick tock
Saturday, April 5, 2008

"To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wildflower." Flavia
This quote hung on the wall in my bedroom most of my growing-up years and I wonder how much it influenced my love of wildflowers. I love ALL flowers, but wildflowers are such a gift. They just come up and thrive without a thought or any effort from a living soul. It is undoubtedly my favorite thing about country life. (Except for the birds, the trees, the sky, the butterflies, the lightnening bugs...) Every spring, there they are, right outside my door. A walk to the mailbox takes forever because I must hunt for the blue-eyed grass, a particular favorite and not so easy to find.
I love the gift, but even more, the Giver.
Friday, April 4, 2008
house guest