I'm back! I finished the big job I've been working on (will post pictures soon) and am back to my regular schedule (whatever that is). I did manage to work on these note cards during that busy time. I'm addicted to pretty paper and can't stop buying or cutting it. I've got 15 sets ready to tie up in bundles of 6 cards per set.

And, I asked my husband (he can do anything) to make me a nice, large, wooden game board, 24" x 24", and I painted it yesterday. It can hang on the wall when not in use. I will make the game pieces out of ceramic and glaze them red and yellow-y orange.
So glad to be back to my hodge-podge, whatever-strikes-my-fancy lifestyle!
These are beautiful!! I can see that you are enjoying yourself and creating such wonderful things!!
I'm off to painting class...first one for the fall! :) Willow is going with me and then we will do a little shopping.
Wow!! So beautiful!! Love all of it!
so glad you are back from creating something wonderful i'm sure. love the cards and gameboard -lots of fun times ahead around that board.
Mary you are SO TALENTED! Geeze...spread the love!
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