This lamp belonged to my great-grandmother, Bess. The shade isn't the original, but when I saw it in Uncommon Objects in Austin, I knew it would be perfect, as is, on this special lamp. Together, it's one of my favorite things.
I live in Texas with my high school- sweetheart-husband, we have two grown daughters and two sons-in-law and I love, love, love them all. I'm an artist, business-owner, gardener, bird-watcher, I enjoy taking pictures and walks, reading, writing and more...we live in the country (and love it!) with 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 cows, 10 chickens and there is rarely a dull moment. Happy Day!
Love the lamp,the shade and the painting!! Can we go there when we go On our trip south?
LOVE it!
Oh I just love this one!!
Kimberly Law
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