"Bathing Beauty" oil, 6"x6" $120.00 framed
This bathing beauty was at the bird bath in my backyard. Cowbirds are not my favorite, but she sat there a long time and I got lots of good pictures of her. She makes a good subject. She just better leave the painted buntings alone! They have a bit of a competition over food and nests.
Hey, sweet Mary! So happy you've been painting. I can't wait to see it hanging. I'll be back next Wed. for a while. We need to catch up and dream some more dreams! Hug!
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH I really like that one, too!!
Lovely painting Mary! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am so glad to have found you!
So sweet...even if it's a bird that causes problems!
This is just so sweet. The colors, perspective and design. Perfect.
good pictures.. nice
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