Don't these roses look beautiful behind the seeded glass? I usually take pictures with the idea that I will paint a picture from them, but this one will be best as a photo. It would take a better artist than me to paint this glass.
Happy Tuesday to you and Happy Birthday to my sweet husband!
Hey, Mary! What a beautiful rose photo. Guess what, Mary? I'm going to an oil painting workshop in Fredericksberg!!!! Four days of painting with artist Nancy Bush in her studio(www.nancybush.com). Check her out...I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!You want to come too!
mary, go to www.fbgartschool.com
There is only one space left. The cost is $1,300 which includes 4( or 5 if you wish) nights in a nice B&B, 4 days of painting (3 in Nancy's studio and 1 day plein air), and one night, a group dinner. It would be wonderful if you could go with me. Call me if I can answer any questions. 513-5834
You have an eye for photography, all right. Keep on taking and publishing pictures.
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