I haven't painted in years. I've been busy raising our girls, helping my husband with our
Backyard Adventures business, painting and selling tree swings to catalog companies and stores, everything except painting pictures. After my oldest daughter's wedding and my youngest daughter left for college, I was anxious to get back to some serious artwork. I tend to be apprehensive about starting - afraid of failure - so have just stuck my toes back in the water. These little paintings were fun and will help me venture out. There is a great book on this subject, "Art and Fear" by David Bayles and Ted Orland. A good friend, who understands my plight, gave it to me for my birthday and I highly recommend it. I give myself a pep talk with it most mornings!
This tiny butterfly is painted on an antique ivory piano key. New ivory can't be purchased, thank goodness, so I'm always on the look-out for old piano keys on which to paint. I've got 12 more ready to frame.

My clever daughter thought I should photograph them on the piano. I love it!