Monday, December 29, 2008
photo finish
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
ho ho ho
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
i can't believe it's december
Monday, November 24, 2008
be thankful
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
18,000 words
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then here are 18,000 for you.
The view of the harbor from our pretty cottage.
The Thompson House in Stonington, Maine.
It belongs to my mother's cousin, Becky (click on her name to see her wonderful artwork), and is so beautifully decorated with art and antiques.

Stonington, a picture-perfect seaside village.

All in a day's work for this lobster fisherman.
Our good friends, the Phelps, happened to be in Rockland, Maine at the same time we were in Stonington. We had plans to meet them for bike-riding in Acadia National Park, but ran into them in a little shop in Camden, completely by accident, a day early.
Acadia National Park.
Most of the antiques shops are in barns next to the owner's house. I found a little treasure in this one.
The colors are beyond description. This almost captures it.
We took lots of drives and saw colors like this around every turn... our convertible, with the top down. I am in the passenger seat huddled up in my coat and scarf. It was cold!
Had a picnic lunch at this nice, sunny spot.
David was so patient and stopped every single time I wanted to take a picture. Which was often.
Lily's Cafe for lunch - 3 days in a row. It was THAT good!
We hiked through a moss-carpeted forest that opened up to this beautiful shore.
David got to go out on a lobster boat. Bob and his wife, Annette, were so kind to give him this thrill. I think it was his favorite part of the trip.
A toast to the last 30 years and 30 more! Goodbye, for now...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
i'm home...
Happy Tuesday!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
i'm going on vacation...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
i'm open...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
good morning
Friday, October 3, 2008
quaint goodness
...sisters Sarah and Carolyn, our quaint check-out ladies...
...a precious baby visitor, Janice M's granddaughter...
...the morning sun coming through this window took my breath away...
...Jana (who so generously shared her home for this event) and Amy...
...JoCarol at her table of goodies...
...can you hear it?...
...Roxanne and crew's handiwork...
...altogether, a perfectly delightful day...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
summer memories
Summer has come to an end, and even though I am loving this beautiful, fall weather, I'm reminiscing about summer. My favorite summer memories revolve around the lake. God has blessed us with a little cabin on a little lake not far from here (it belonged to Molly B's family before us) and we have spent many, many weekends there over the past 18 years. Lots of memories...these are just from this last summer...
...sitting on the deck is like being in a treehouse...there were several times that David and I just ran over for the afternoon to swim, fish, read, nap...
...Austin and Elizabeth relax on the dock after a nice, evening swim...
...Austin married into the family and fits right in...
...Anna, too, takes her fishing very seriously and is pretty hard to out-fish...Garrett (her boyfriend) helps her land a big one...there were meals where she provided everything...the fish and fresh vegetables from her garden... brother, Craig, comes to kayak...and fish...mostly kayak...Kristina, his wife came, too, and I wish I'd gotten a picture of her doing homework on the dock...she's working on her master's degree...

...our nephew Cade...we laughed at his minnow mustache...Mema and Grandad were here, matter how many I take, it's never enough...

...stopping here on the way, in Cross Plains, to eat the best chili relleno in Texas...the Doris chili relleno, rice and salad...$ kidding...once, we ran inside just as it started raining after a long, dry spell...we were all strangers, but instantly kindred spirits as everyone in the restaurant expressed their joy and excitement over the welcome rain...
...sandwiches are elevated to a whole new level at the cabin...everything tastes better at the lake...we are fixed doubt about it...bums...
...the cabin at cozy...I wish you could hear the night sounds...
Someone asked me what my favorite season is...just the kind of question I love to is my answer...
My favorite season is:
Spring in the Spring,
Summer in the Summer,
Fall in the Fall,
and Summer in the Winter!